Wednesday, December 12, 2012

simple butter cake & marble cupcakes

My very first post J ... so I thought it is only befitting to start with the very first thing I ever baked in the kitchen in my old home in Malaysia – a simple butter cake.  And of course, recipe courtesy of my beloved mumsie.  So this post is dedicated specially to my mummy for teaching me how to bake the very first time and to my daddy who loves eating this cake, both  whom I miss so much L since moving here to Australia.  For the record, my daddy used to ONLY eat this cake.  He never liked any cakes which has a different colour other than a yellow butter cake!  I think he's kinda more liberated now, as I've seen him eating cakes of a different colour at certain occasions!  Hahha … so here's my mum's simple recipe for a butter cake:

simple butter cake

  • 200 g butter
  • 200 g sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 200 g self raising flour
  • Few drops of vanilla essence
  1. Beat butter & sugar until light & creamy.
  2. Beat in eggs one by one.
  3. Fold in self raising flour & few drops of vanilla essence.
  4. Pour batter into a small greased/lined baking pan.
  5. Baked in preheated oven 160C for 30 mins or until skewer test comes out clean.
marble cupcakes
(makes 12)

I decided to continue on this post with marble cupcakes, as I only need to add 1 extra ingredient to the butter cake. I used to make marble cakes following recipes which I need to refer every time, until I decided to just add melted chocolate to my simple butter cake and TA DA! another simple recipe so easy to remember:

Additional ingredients:
  • 100 g milk/dark chocolate, melted
Method (continued from No. 3 above):
  1. Divide batter into 2 portions & evenly mix melted chocolate into 1 portion.
  2. Alternately spoon from both portions, into each muffin tray hole, until half filled so will have a marble effect.
  3. Bake in preheated oven 160C for 18 mins or until skewer test comes out clean.
Happy baking! ^_^