Tuesday, January 22, 2013

kueh sepit / kueh kapit / love letters

Oh my goodness me!  It's been more than a month (41 days to be exact @_@) since my very first post! YiKEs! what a blogger am I ?!? @_@ ... Well, I have been rather busy over the Christmas and New Year holidays, taking a longer holiday than I ought to! ;D ... but no blogging doesn't mean no cooking! In fact, I've been constantly messing around my kitchen, I have so many photos of food, food & food which I need to upload, notes scribbled here & there to sort out, write blog & post!

So, what's next? Since my first post was dedicated to my mumsie, then this second post will be for my daddy, one of his favourite snack of all time - kueh sepit aka love letters to some.  Ooohhh ... how my daddy loves eating these, piece after piece, enjoying these thin crispy sweet creations.

On one of my trips back to hometown, I actually bought the kueh sepit mold which was traditionally used and I was  seriously contemplating using it over the fire on the kitchen stove.  Thank goodness, I was saved from this challenge, when I found out that there is actually a special toaster for making kueh sepit! Praise the genius who invented this contraption! ^_^

To prepare the batter is rather simple, but to make the kueh sepit is time-consuming task which one has to patiently toast only 2 pieces at a time & be very quick when it comes to folding the kueh sepit before it starts to crisp up.  Don't fret, practice makes perfect! ^_^


  1. Batter can be made ahead 1-2 days, covered with cling wrap & kept refrigerated until needed.

kueh sepit / kueh kapit / love letters

  • 1 cup rice flour
  • 1/3 cup tapioca flour
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 90 ml milk
  • 250 ml coconut cream
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil 
  1. Beat together eggs & sugar, until sugar has dissolved.
  2. Add in oil, coconut cream & milk.  Mix thoroughly.
  3. Fold in dry ingredients (rice flour, tapioca flour & salt).
  4. Pass mixture through a sieve to get a lump-free batter.
  5. Stand for 15 minutes while toaster is heating up.
  6. When toaster is ready, pour 1/2 tbsp of batter onto each mold.
  7. Close and wait until the toaster light turns off indicating batter is cooked.
  8. Open the toaster, using a chopstick, quickly fold the kueh sepit in half, then from half, fold into quarters (or any shape as desired).
  9. Take out & leave aside to crisp.
  10. Repeat until batter is finished.
  11. When cool, store in airtight jars.
Happy kueh sepit making! ^_^

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